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Agricultural Shade Structure anchored with Hulk Earth Anchors

At Anchoring Rope and Rigging (AR+R) we really know our ropes when it comes to the anchoring of agricultural trellises, shade houses, net structures and catenaries used for crop production, crop protection, sports facilities, ecological and industrial applications. The company was founded in 2008 and is a specialist developer, manufacturer and supplier of ground anchoring products and ground anchoring systems. In 2013 AR+R launched its class leading range of Hulk ground anchors for use in a variety of markets and applications including agricultural applications. Hulk Agri Ground anchors are used to quickly and effectively construct and erect crop trellises, catenaries (such as the fauna crossing that cross our main highways), shade houses, wind breaks, sports nets and fences. Our products and services aim to make anchoring matters uncomplicated and give piece of mind to our clients. A full service is offered – from design, engineering and planning, to manufacture and installation to meet the needs of the client.

All products are guaranteed, and services are backed by the company’s reputation and vast experience in the field of ground anchoring, ropes and riggings.
Watching an Installation team from AR+R in action is like watching the performance of a well-trained pack of Rugby forwards. Confidence is instilled by the brisk and efficient way in which each fully insured team performs their tasks and each team’s ability to work to permit, thereby taking care of all safety matters. Our crews go through rigorous training in all aspects of ground anchoring which includes onsite training and training at our Somersby Country base. 

A wide range of HULK Agri ground anchors is available from 1 ton up to 14 tons capacity for every anchoring eventuality the farmer may encounter. In addition to an installation service AR+R operates a rental fleet of installation gear for farmers who prefer to do their own installations.
All our agricultural products are tried and tested and come with 25-year limited warranty against corrosion. They are installed and tested, allowing growers to concentrate on their production instead of worrying about whether their crop cover or trellises are adequately anchored. If you are ready to plant out a project of trellised crops or need to anchor a shade house, wind break or fence call us now for a free no obligation quotation.

We will assist you in selecting the right anchor for your construction needs.

Please Call:
Rob Stockl

Or email:
Email: Anchoring Rope and Rigging Pty Ltd


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