AR+R is an Australian owned manufacturing company with over thirty years of experience in ground anchoring, rigging and lifting technology. Our vision is to be world’s leading developer and manufacturer of percussion ground anchoring technology and Australia’s first choice for anchoring, rope, rigging and instant foundation technology solutions.
AR+R is committed to:
- Providing high quality products and services to our customers
- satisfying all applicable quality and regulatory requirements with the aim of maximising customer satisfaction
- maintaining, measuring, reporting and reviewing measurable objectives and targets
- the establishment, implementation and maintenance of the criteria and methods required for the effective operation and control of quality processes
- identifying risk and opportunities associated with the conformity of our products and services
- identifying, evaluating and correcting non-conformances associated with our products and services
- encouraging employees to participate in quality improvement activities
- implementing, maintaining and continuously improving our Quality Management System to enhance performance
- providing adequate resources to achieve the intent of this policy, objectives and targets and all elements of our Quality Management System to the standard of AS/NZS ISO 9001:2016.
This Quality Management Policy shall:
- be available as documented information and to interested parties as appropriate
- be communicated within AR+R
I commit AR+R activities, products and services to this policy.
Robert Stockl
Managing Director, AR&R
Version 1.1 Effective date: January 2025 Authorised by: Robert Stockl
Page 1 of 1 Review date: January 2028